Saudações, sabe aquela nuvem do Goku que você vê a galera voando por ai ? Apesar de parecer, é bem simples pra pegar essa montaria, só meio cansativo, mas em alguns minutos você já pode pegar a sua.
É o seguinte, pra pegar a montaria você tem que ter algumas conquistas que são completas lendo uns pergaminhos por Pandaria, simples.
Depois que o addon estiver instalado e devidamente funcionando, você vai criar algumas macros: (Esc - Macros) essas macros vão conter as coordenadas de todos os pergaminhos, as macros estão separadas por mapa de Pandaria, recomendo fazer uma pra cada mapa, depois clicar em todas e sair atrás dos pergaminhos.
Dread Wastes (Ermo do Medo)/way Dread Wastes 67 60 Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - The Deserters
/way Dread Wastes 52 10 Heart of the Mantid Swarm - Amber
/way Dread Wastes 48 32 Heart of the Mantid Swarm - Cycle of the Mantid
/way Dread Wastes 59 55 Heart of the Mantid Swarm - Mantid Society
/way Dread Wastes 35 32 Heart of the Mantid Swarm - The Empress
Jade Forest (Floresta de Jade)/way Jade Forest 67 29 Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - The Saurok
/way Jade Forest 65 87 Fish Tails - Watersmithing
/way Jade Forest 26 28 Hozen in the Mist - Hozen Speech
/way Jade Forest 37 30 Legend of the Brewfathers - Xin Wu Yin the Broken Hearted
/way Jade Forest 42 17 The Dark Heart of the Mogu - Spirit Binders
/way Jade Forest 47 45 The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 1
/way Jade Forest 55 56 The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 3
/way Jade Forest 35 30 What Is Worth Fighting For - The First Monks
Krasarang Wilds (Selva Krasarang)/way Krasarang Wilds 72 30 Ballad of Liu Lang - Waiting for the Turtle
/way Krasarang Wilds 32 29 Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - Last Stand
/way Krasarang Wilds 30 38 Fish Tails - Origins
/way Krasarang Wilds 52 87 Hozen in the Mist - Hozen Maturity
/way Krasarang Wilds 81 11 Legend of the Brewfathers - Quan Tou Kuo the Two Fisted
/way Krasarang Wilds 50 31 The Dark Heart of the Mogu - The Lost Dynasty
/way Krasarang Wilds 40 56 The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 4
Kun-Lai Summit (Monte Kun-Lai)
/way Kun-Lai Summit 74 83 Fish Tails - Role Call
/way Kun-Lai Summit 45 61 Hozen in the Mist - The Hozen Ravage
/way Kun-Lai Summit 44 53 Legend of the Brewfathers - Ren Yun the Blind
/way Kun-Lai Summit 53 46 Valley of Emperers - Kun-Lai Summit (SUBTERRÂNEO)
/way Kun-Lai Summit 43 51 The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 2
/way Kun-Lai Summit 67 48 The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 6
/way Kun-Lai Summit 41 42 The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 7
/way Kun-Lai Summit 71 62 The Song of Yaungo - Yaungoil
/way Kun-Lai Summit 50 79 The Song of Yaungo - Yaungol Tactics
/way Kun-Lai Summit 63 40 What Is Worth Fighting For - Victory in Kun-Lai
The Veiled Stair (Escadaria Oculta) - Onde fica o mercado negro no caso
/way The Veiled Stair 54 15 Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - The Defiant
Note - Essa caverna é entre A escadaria e Monte Kun-Lai
Townlong Steppes (Estepes de Taolong)/way Townlong Steppes 37 62 The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 5
/way Townlong Steppes 65 49 The Song of Yaungo - Dominance
/way Townlong Steppes 84 72 The Song of Yaungo - Trapped in a Strange Land
Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Vale das Flores Eternas)/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 40 77 The Dark Heart of the Mogu - The Thunder King
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 68 44 The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 8
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 52 68 What Is Worth Fighting For - Always Remember
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 26 21 What Is Worth Fighting For - Together, We Are Strong
Valley of the Four Winds (Vale dos Quatro Ventos)/way Valley of the Four Winds 55 47 Ballad of Liu Lang - A Most Famous Bill of Sale
/way Valley of the Four Winds 20 55 Ballad of Liu Lang - The Birthplace of Liu Lang
/way Valley of the Four Winds 34 63 Ballad of Liu Lang - Wondering Widow
/way Valley of the Four Winds 61 34 Fish Tails - Waterspeakers
/way Valley of the Four Winds 83 21 Hozen in the Mist - Embracing the Passion
/way Valley of the Four Winds 18 31 What Is Worth Fighting For - Pandaren Fighting Tactics
Se não deixar passar nenhuma, pronto, sua montaria está na mão, qualquer coisa é só conferir nas suas conquistas e ver oque está faltando, abraço!
boa! melhor site de wow do br!!